Founded in 1968, ATG is a friendly, successful amateur theatre company based in Warlingham, Surrey. We produce an average of three plays a year, ranging from comedy, to drama, to musicals. The emphasis is placed on variety, quality and, most of all, fun!
This site is designed to give a quick insight into what we have done, what we are doing, and what we plan to do in the future!
Like any theatre group, we are always looking to welcome new members, interested in any aspect of the theatre from acting and singing, to direction and choreography, to musical direction, to set design and building, to stage management, or just social members who will support us and turn up to the odd rehearsal and join us all for a nice cup of tea! If you are interested, please visit our Contact Us page, or for more information email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Read more about the history of the group here.