
So What Now? - Cast 

Clipboard Ali Morris
Davina Penny McNichol
Woman Nicky Howcroft
Man Keith Harper

Crime After Crime - Cast

Charles Rick Godbolt
Phyllis Deborah Trevatt
Mother Ellie Driscoll
Burglar Peter Currell
Zoƫ (2nd Burglar) Clare Coe
Julian (3rd Burglar) Simon Smith

Curses, Foiled Again! - Cast 

Lucy, the maidservant Anne Turner
Jasper Rotten, the villain John Tough
Nurse, the family retainer Ali Morris
Victor Pureheart, the hero Rick Godbolt
Lady Flawless, the elderly aunt Penny McNichol
Nell, the heroine Nicky Howcroft


Stage Manager Rick Morris
Set Design Rick Morris, Christine Woodhead
Lighting Iris Crampton & Brian Richardson
Sound Martin Crampton
Props Rob Anderson
Prompts Anne Godbolt, Peggy Robinson
Costumes Nicky Stringer, Gee Rook
Front of House Manager Gee Rook
Box Office Ali Morris & Suzi Mussell