Thursday 23rd & Tuesday 28th January 2025
8pm, The Green Room at the Hall
(please enter via the side gate and head for the Green Room out the back)
Our auditions are an informal affair, you'll be asked to read for any of the roles you are interested in with the rest of the group playing the other roles. You are welcome to audition for as many roles as you would like to be considered for.
As always, if you are unable to attend the auditions but would like to be considered for a role please get in touch! Contact Linda on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
You don't need to attend both auditions, but you're welcome to come along for both. As we always like to turn any audition into an excuse for a social and will be heading to the pub afterwards.
Rehearsals will start in early February and will most likely be on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8pm - though this sometimes changes due to cast availability.
We will be performing Ladies' Day by Amanda Whittington.
Ladies' Day is a comedy/drama about four likely lasses from the Hull fish docks on a day trip to the races.
Work, love and life are just one long, hard slog for the fish-filleting foursome Pearl, Jan, Shelley and Linda. But their fortunes are set to change when Linda finds tickets to Ladies' Day at Royal Ascot the year it relocated to York. Out go the hairnets, overalls and wellies as the four ditch work, do themselves up to the nines and head off to the races for a drink, a flirt and a flutter. If their luck holds, they could hit the jackpot - and more besides...
Character details
There are 4 main characters:
All fish packers from Hull
We can be a bit flexible with ages, but Pearl needs to be around retirement age and Linda needs to be younger.
Ideally all ladies will have Hull (or at least Yorkshire) accents.
There are six male parts which could all be played by the same actor or we can divide them up between several people.
Joe should have a Hull/Yorkshire accent and Patrick should be Irish but the others not specific .
We have got scope to have a few non speaking parts (male or female) for passing race goers/bar staff etc if anyone would like to be on stage in a non speaking role.
You'll need to be able to make all of the dates below to be able to audition:
Saturday 5th April - Set build - all day
Sunday 6th April - Tech & Dress
Tuesday 8th April - Dress rehearsal - arrive at 7pm
10th, 11th, 12th April - Performances - arrive at 7pm
Sunday 13th April - Set strike - 10am
If you have any questions about auditioning please contact Linda on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or if you'd like to find out more about joining ATG please contact our members officer Nicky at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
We look forward to seeing you at auditions.
Article posted January 2025.
Founded in 1968, ATG is a friendly, successful amateur theatre company based in Warlingham, Surrey. We produce an average of three plays a year, ranging from comedy, to drama, to musicals. The emphasis is placed on variety, quality and, most of all, fun!
This site is designed to give a quick insight into what we have done, what we are doing, and what we plan to do in the future!
Like any theatre group, we are always looking to welcome new members, interested in any aspect of the theatre from acting and singing, to direction and choreography, to musical direction, to set design and building, to stage management, or just social members who will support us and turn up to the odd rehearsal and join us all for a nice cup of tea! If you are interested, please visit our Contact Us page, or for more information email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Read more about the history of the group here.
If you'd like to get in touch with ATG there are many ways that you can do so:
To follow us on Facebook, go to: www.facebook.com/atgdramagroup
Follow us on Twitter! Go to @ATGDramaGroup
Check out our pics on Instagram - follow instagram.com/atgdramagroup/
You can email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for any queries whatsoever
We look forward to hearing from you!