


Being the dedicated director that I am, rehearsals went ahead tonight even though it was my birthday. However, I did insist that the cast took me out for a drink afterwards!!

It was lovely to welcome Ellie to our rehearsals as she has agreed to take on the daunting and rather thankless job of prompt. But she is a seasoned pro at this and takes it all in her stride.

Our leading lady is on holiday this week so once again I stepped into her shoes, so to speak. (I could get used to it!!) I’m not sure what the cast make of my interpretation of the role but they seem to put up with me wandering around, not being quite sure where I’m supposed to be.

Gold star today goes to Nicky, who staggered down to the hut with a nasty bug, just to give me my birthday present (ok, so it’s nothing to do with the play, but I’m the director so what I say goes - if only that were true!! :)


Spent four hours in Redhill scouring the town for costumes and wallpaper. Came across a few useful items but the wallpaper I want is rather expensive (I must have good taste), I don’t want to bankrupt the group for the sake of a covering a couple of walls. So if the ticket prices go up drastically for the next production people will know who to blame!!


An exciting evening for all concerned as the culprit(s) is(are) finally revealed and we rehearsed the dénouement of the play. (So, the cast may still be clueless but at least they now know whodunit!! - sorry cast, only joking!) Nice to see Anne, our Stage Manager, coming along to get a feel for the show. Unfortunately our lead actress is ill so I had to stand in for her. I must admit I did find it quite fun (Carolyn better watch out or I may decide to take on the role myself – not really, there’s far too many lines to learn.) Several people are now attempting some scenes without their scripts – keep up the good work. The characterisations are slowly getting there and I definitely think there should be an award for Most Expressive Eyebrows at the next ATG Awards – Martin would win it hands down.


Not exactly a great turn out for set building but gold stars to Martin, Christiaan and Haidee for their sterling work. Managed to get on with quite a bit, the What-Not now stands upright, the bureau drawers have knobs on and the fireplace looks very impressive with its tiled hearth and imposing grate. Martin braved the loft to search out more bits and pieces for the play (any one need to borrow some authentic-looking rocks – we’ve got several!) We kept our strength up with large slices of the still delicious Awards cake made by Carolyn last week. It definitely helped keep our sugar levels up!


Valentine’s Day - Some people’s minds may have been caught up with the thought of a romantic evening for two, a nice bottle of wine with a delicious meal – not so the cast of Murder At The Manor. Tonight our thoughts were of blackmail and betrayal, malice and murder, death and dispair, fame and fortune (ok, maybe not the last two - unless the play goes really well!!)

Gold stars to Carolyn and Jill for doing the first part of the play without scripts. It really made a difference to the energy of the opening sequence – keep up the good work.


A slight change in the cast saw Nicky Chowne join us for her first rehearsal. She fitted in straight away like the professional she is; even coped with Martin pinching her bottom (all in the cause of art!) Did an exercise with the cast to help them with their characterisations. They all joined in with great exthusiasm - John especially threw himself into the task with great gusto. Let's hope they all put in the same verve when acting on stage.

Yes, they still don't know who did it!


Back to not having a full cast. However, that is but a minor bump on the road to what I'm sure will be a successful production. At least the rest of cast seem ready to soldier-on and are beginning to get to grips with the plotting of the play - it's always difficult to have a group of people on stage in a small space without them getting into each others' way. (Perhaps if I got rid of all the furniture or asked Martin to make a further extension to fit on the extension we already have on the stage...?!!!)
Gold star today goes to Carolyn who attempted the first few pages of the play without her script (rest of the cast please take note!!)  

Cast still clueless as to who the murderer(s) is(are).


Quite a productive day set building. Christiaan showed his carpentry prowess and built a hearth for the fireplace, Paul came along and made a very sturdy-looking window seat, whilst Martin & Keith (like some sort of Laurel & Hardy double act) had 'fun' making a new flat. Calum was rather disappointed that we didn't need a bonfire this week but did sterling work, along with Nicky, getting props out of the lofts (if you've never seen the lofts, it's not for the faint-hearted.) Shep, as ever, provided much needed support and sound advice when it came to working out exactly how the set is going to fit on the stage - if we're not careful much of the action may be taking place in the wings!

Thanks to everyone who turned up, on what was a very cold Saturday, to brave frost-bite and mild hypothermia to help with the set (but please don't let that put anyone off coming along to future set builds!).


Delighted to welcome Catherine to her first rehearsal; it's nice to finally have our Fanny with us. Another unexpected guest was the inimitable Mick Janice (on old ATG stalwart who had to leave the country in order to extricate himself from group). So the cast had a bit of an audience for the rehearsal (and I did hear Mick laugh on several occasions, which must be a good sign!)

Guess what – the cast still don’t know who dunnit!!


At the hut to tidy the store room and sort out the flats etc for the play. Of course the fire place I wanted was at the very back to the store behind every piece of scenery that we own!

Also took the opportunity to look through what costumes we may have available, much to Gee’s dismay as I kept disturbing her gallant efforts to get the costume cupboard in order.


Pipes are still frozen at the hut, which is a bit hard on those with a weak bladder, but a gold star today goes to Jill for bringing bottled water to boil for our tea.

Managed to block the majority of the play, except for the finale as I'm still keeping the cast in the dark about whodunit!


Decided to brave the icy weather & rehearse at the hut. What a stalwart cast we have! Martin gets a gold star for arriving early and putting the heaters on. Special mention should also go to new-boy Christiaan for making it up Tithe Pitshaw lane on foot!! - what a trooper.

Managed to roughly block quite a big chunk of the play - cast still don't know who dunnit!


Given the snowy conditions & a sub-zero hut, the first rehearsal was held in the rather more balmy atmosphere of my house. The cast read through most of the script for the first time - they haven't been given the pages which tells them who dunnit. I am keeping the identity of the murderer(s) a secret for a little while longer.