
December 1993 Production

The Owl and the Pussycat Went to See - Cast

The Owl Martin Crampton
The Pussycat Suzi Lake
The Dong with the Luminous Nose Tim Haggis
The Quangle Wangle Wendy Brown
The Runcible Spoon Liz Haskins
Professor Bosh Jan Spurdens
The Plum Pudding Flea Mark Coram
The Pig Pauline Martin
The Turkey Richard Godbolt
Head-Jumbly Diana Petts
Jumbly-Girl Nicola Stringer
Sun Charlotte Petts
Moon Christopher Petts
Mrs Canary Nicola Stringer
The Jumblies Anne Godbolt
Peggy Robinson
Mark Whyman
Christopher Trueman
The Canaries Christopher Trueman
Lucy Bewhay

The Owl and the Pussycat Went to See - Crew

Crew MemberATG Member
Director Steve Palmer
Assistant Director Bernard John
Choreography Gee Rook
Claire Leigh
Set Design & Construction Iris Crampton
Assisted by Martin Crampton
Nicola Stringer
Costumes Liz Ault
Assisted by Iris Crampton
Jan Spurdens
Anne Godbolt
Peggy Robinson
Gee Rook
& Group members and friends
Lighting Brian Richardson
John Rodgers
Prompt Margaret Davison
Role unknown Iris Crampton
Role unknown Peter Stringer
Role unknown Natalie Spurdens
Role unknown Jonathan Mahoney
Properties Brenda Henson
Iris Crampton
Magic table' John Tough
Make-up Val Seigne
Assisted by Nicola Stringer
Assisted by Nicola Stringer
& Group members
Director's Assistant Brenda Henson
Director's Assistant Brenda Henson
Box Office Liz Ault
Steve Palmer
Refreshments Phyl Wooderson
Refreshments Phyl Wooderson
John Tough
& Group members and friends
Front of House Liz Ault
Phyl Wooderson
Stan Davison
Stan Davison
John Tough
& Group members
Publicity Liz Ault
John Tough
Photography David Brown